Weather plays an important role in the game of golf. In the case of bad weather, such as rain or snow, the course will issue rainchecks for prepaid tee-times at its discretion.
Our prices are reflective of if one were to book over the phone. Online may offer a better price, but do not include special rates such as senior or junior.
*Prices do not include tax*
Monday-Thursday (with cart)
*Senior is 60+
Monday-Thursday (no cart)
*Junior is 15 and under
Friday-Sunday (with cart)
Friday-Sunday (no cart)
Monday-Thursday (with cart)
Monday-Thursday (with cart)
*Senior is 60+
*Junior is 15 and under
Friday-Sunday (with cart)
Go around for another 9!
Monday-Thursday (with cart)
Monday-Thursday (with cart)
*Senior is 60+
Monday-Thursday (no cart)
*Junior is 15 and under
Friday-Sunday (with cart)
Friday-Sunday (no cart)
Everyday fee per party's extra cart
Just visiting? We've got you covered so that everyone has a set to play.
An extra cart needed to watch a special event
Rates effective as of June 1, 2023
:Copyright © 2023 Cheekwood Golf Club - All Rights Reserved.
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Tuesday September 17th Cheekwood will be aerating our greens. Tee times will open back up aft 1pm that day.
If you have any questions about available tee times, please call the clubhouse.
Thank you!